Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tullow menemukan lagi minyak di Uganda

Tullow menemukan lagi minyak di Uganda
Oleh Administrator

Penulis : Eric Watkins

Tullow said the well was drilled 6 km horizontally from the top of the structure, to a total depth of 755 m and has been successfully cored, logged, and sampled.

The total net Kasamene-type reservoir is 43 m thick, of which the top 3 m are oil-bearing at this location. "At the crest of the trap, which is 160 m vertically up-dip, the entire reservoir should be oil filled," the firm said.

Tullow said in a separate low net-to-gross section, immediately above this Kasamene-type reservoir, "12 m of thin-bedded oil-bearing sands were also encountered and are likely to have deeper oil water contacts based on seismic amplitudes and pressures."

"This latest result further extends the play and derisks several adjacent prospects located in Blocks 1 and 2, which are scheduled for drilling later in the year," Tullow said of Nsoga-1, which is the seventh successful test of the Victoria Nile Delta play fairway within the Lake Albert Rift basin.

The well is now being suspended as a future oil producer and on completion of operations the rig will move to test the Awaka prospect with drilling operations scheduled to commence this month.

Tullow has interests in three licenses in the Lake Albert Rift basin in Uganda. Tullow operates Block 2 with a 100% interest and has a 50% interest in Blocks 1 and 3A, which are operated by Heritage Oil 50%.
