Friday, November 9, 2007

Gibson vs Eraser

Disturbingly difficult to
discern the difference.

On a related note, I have never seen a worse reputedly science-based blog than "Climate Audit". In fact, I find it so bad that the award it got for Best Science Blog immediately invalidates the lesser half of the blogosphere's contribution to science completely.

Update from comments: Gumby also upset about eraser family resemblance.

Another Update: Many of the climate change deniers have fallen for this hoax of epic proportions. In their (Rush Limbaugh, et al) desperate quest to find any evidence to grasp on to, they choose a well-done spoof. I just love the equation style the spoofers have chosen
Q²uct, yΦ³= ∑cy³42
or this one
4δ161 x Λ³Жญ5,6,1,8Φ-4 = {(ΣΨ²Њyt3 - 14๖P9) x 49}

2β x ⅜kxgt -§
That final character, which last time I checked, we usually use as a word processor flow marker takes the cake for incredulity. It basically screams, "You idiots, can't you see this is all gibberish?". But of course the Gibson crowd fall for it anyways (the slugs at Climate Audit apparently a bit too slow to catch on one way or the other). Because, of course, their stupidity knows no bounds, and the reservoir for new wing-nuts to join the Clown Hall circus remains infinite.