Friday, June 30, 2006

Kos says bike racing favorite sport

Therefore we must obey and consent to the fact that we like bicycle racing the bestest. Because Kos says so.

Alas, sad that so many Tour de France riders recently got disqualified in numbers worse than the previous doping episode in 1998. I realize that dopants and steroids can do a number on your system, but I have a weirdly unconventional take on the issue. As I remarked last year during Lance's last le Tour, what would happen if we indeed created a safe drug that made us all into super-commuters -- bicycle riders that wouldn't get tired and recovered quickly after long trips to the work place and back.

In the end, Kos says that the Tour racers shouldn't break the rules. I respectfully disagree and would recommend that the race revoke all rules, save for pedal power. Tradition doesn't automatically survive paradigm shifts. If the racers want to act as guinea pigs, let them have at it. It would amount to a hedge bet for potential medical advances in the future. As it stands, the rapid descents on the Tour hills approach death-defying levels that I would never engage in. May the best technology win.