Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Steven E. Jones redux

Monkeygrinder didn't take the bait with this bit of news so I will.

"Cold fusion energy" pioneer Steven E. Jones recently went out on a limb concerning the WTC collapse, and the evidence keeps mounting that he seems to really enjoy doing this kind of thing, in a repeat-offender kind of way.

BobCousins at pointed out that Jones had also written a paper called "Behold My Hands: Evidence for Christ's Visit in Ancient America"

In it he shows old Mayan figurines of gods showing their palms cupped outward, ala Jesus Christ. From this he makes some wild claims, which you can guess from the title. (I think it proves that either the Mayans: came from a long line of beggars, they had endured quite a dry spell, or they invented silicone breast implants)

I have tracked down all his papers:

"Observation of Cold Nuclear Fusion in Condensed Matter"

"Evidence for Christ's Visit in Ancient America"

"Why Indeed did the WTC Buildings Collapse?

"Did Christ bomb the WTC?"

"Evidence that WTC buildings spontaneously fused"

"Osama visited the Pentagon and left a floater in the executive washroom"

"Watching my scientific reputation collapse"
Regnery Press, pre-publication

"Why won't anyone listen to me? What would JC do?"

(only half in jest)

Seriously, we need a better scientist to get behind this line of inquiry. I would completely back it if we could get someone like the recently passed Richard Smalley. But Jones just acts like a goof-ball. The "progressive=truth" cause doesn't need him.