Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Well control. Trainning manual

Tested to prove their competence. Unquestionably, training plays an important role in successful well control, for a drilling crew that knows and understands the principles and technical procedures of well control is a crew that is less likely to experience a well blowing out of control.

This manual is intended to be a training aid for all personnel who are concerned with well control—rotary helpers, drillers, toolpushers, company representatives, or any whose job takes him or her directly onto a rig location. The book presents a practical approach to well control in that it emphasizes the things a rig crew should know and be able to do to control a well. It is also used as a basic textbook by those who attend well-control courses conducted by many training organization.

Nombre: Well control. Trainning manual
Autor: Aberdeen drilling schools
Paginas: 390 Pages
Publicador: Class III electronic document
Idioma: Ingles
Contraseña: www.casapetrolera.blogspot.com

After clicking the download link will appear an intermediate page, just giving you click on "SKIP AD" and you get to the place where the hosts file ... enjoy it!