A net-list governs the components and edges in the layout (shown below); DOT does the rest of the rendering.
digraph BushCo {
EdRogers -> NewBridge;
EdRogers -> GeorgeHWBush;
EdRogers -> Diligence;
EdRogers -> BGR;
LannyGriffith -> BGR;
BGR -> RepublicanParty;
LannyGriffith -> NewBridge;
LannyGriffith -> GeorgeHWBush;
EdMathias -> Carlyle;
EdMathias -> Diligence;
DiligenceMiddleEast -> Diligence;
DiligenceMiddleEast -> NewBridge;
Diligence -> RichardBurt;
RichardBurt -> BGR;
RichardBurt -> Carlyle;
JoeAllbaugh -> NewBridge;
JoeAllbaugh -> Diligence;
JoeAllbaugh -> GeorgeWBush;
GeorgeHWBush -> Carlyle;
DubaiHoldings -> DubaiInternationalCapital;
DubaiHoldings -> DubaiInvestmentGroup;
DubaiInternationalCapital -> Carlyle;
JohnHowland -> NewBridge;
JamalDaniel -> NewBridge;
JohnHowland -> NeilBush;
JamalDaniel -> NeilBush;
NeilBush -> Crest;
Crest -> NewBridge;
NeilBush -> Ignite;
JamalDaniel -> Ignite;
DOT can create huge graphs, and BushCo weaves a tangled web, so I will keep adding linkages until the sucker breaks. I bet monkeygrinder appreciates this one.